Precinct 3 Mosquito Abatement | Commissioner James Noack

The Montgomery County Public Health District confirmed the first human case of West Nile virus of the 2021 season late Thursday afternoon. The patient, a female in her 60’s from the 77365 zip code, is still hospitalized as of this morning.

There is a second pending case of West Nile virus, we are saddened to announce however that that patient is now deceased and we are still awaiting confirmation on the cause of death. This patient was a male in his 80’s from the 77382 zip code.

Commissioner Noack’s Mosquito Abatement Team continues to monitor all areas of Precinct 3 for signs of West Nile virus activity in the local mosquito population and performs treatment in affected areas as necessary. This season, 79 mosquito samples collected from Precinct 3 and adjacent areas have tested positive for the West Nile virus. The mosquito abatement team has conducted over 130 treatment missions, treating over 25,000 acres (cumulatively) in response to these positive samples.

All residents are advised to take personal protective measures to limit the risk of exposure to mosquito-borne disease. This includes wearing insect repellent and avoiding outdoor activities when the disease-carrying mosquitoes are most active (from dusk until dawn).

The West Nile virus primarily lives in the local bird population and is transmitted to humans via mosquito bite. The southern house mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus) is the primary vector of this disease in the Houston area. This species prefers to breed in stagnant water with a high concentration of decaying organic matter and is most active from just before sunset until just after sunrise.

Most people infected with the West Nile virus show no symptoms and suffer no ill effects. Approximately twenty percent of infected people develop a fever and experience other flu-like symptoms. A very small number may develop a more severe version of the illness that affects the nervous system, resulting in neurological symptoms. People over the age of 60 and those with certain medical conditions are more susceptible to this severe form of the illness. Please visit for more information about the virus.

For information on Commissioner James Noack’s Mosquito Abatement Department visit

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