The Office of Commissioner James Noack is reporting that nine mosquito samples tested positive for the West Nile virus in the last week.

This activity in the mosquito population, revealed through routine mosquito surveillance, can lead to an increased risk of people contracting the disease. Commissioner Noack is responding by treating the affected areas multiple times over the next week.

“This proactive trapping and testing allows us to find the West Nile activity early and target our treatments accordingly,” he says. “Our goal is to keep our residents safe and healthy.”

This year, the Mosquito Abatement Team has collected over 400 samples containing a combined 27,000 mosquitoes and tested them for mosquito-borne disease. The team tests many of these samples in-house while sending the rest to the Texas Department of State Health Services. So far this year, 47 samples have tested positive for the West Nile virus within Montgomery County. In response to this activity, Commissioner Noack’s Office has conducted 70 treatment missions covering over 21,000 acres as of this publication with plans to conduct 16 more treatments before the week’s end.

Residents are strongly encouraged to take personal protective measures in order to keep themselves and their families safe from the West Nile virus.

“Everyone who is able to do so should wear some kind of insect repellent when they go outside,” says Justin Fausek, Director of Mosquito Abatement for Precinct 3. “It’s the most effective means of protection available as long as you follow the instructions on the label.”

When looking for an effective repellent, make sure to choose a product registered with the EPA in a concentration that is appropriate for the length of time spent outdoors. Other recommendations include wearing long, light, loose clothing; avoiding outdoor activity when the disease-carrying mosquitoes are most active (between dusk and dawn); and eliminating standing water in and around the home.


For more information or for help in identifying and dealing with mosquito breeding sites around the home, please email or call 281-364-4203.


We urge residents to take precautions while outdoors and think WET.


Remember to Think WET!

Wear repellent

Eliminate standing water

Treat water you can’t eliminate

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